Reason for being
Among several possible parameters, the importance or protagonism of an association or club is measured by the activities that it develops in favor of a cause and, perhaps most importantly, by the character of the elements that compose it.
Emphasizing this point, it is important to mention that the participation of members and supporters of the Club in the accomplishments carried out over the years, is carried out out of pure carelessness, with the commitment dictated by the pride of belonging to the Moto Clube de Faro.
The men and women who participate in the life of the club, using or aspiring to use our symbol ("cloth"), are required to face the true biker spirit, of freedom and irreverence, with the dedication and respect that their ostentation implies, essential to our existence in society.
From the combination of these ideals, the successful path traveled by Moto Clube de Faro was built.

Direction of Moto Clube Faro - 2006
Here are summarized some of the most important facts in the life of the Club.
1982 – 1st Motorcycle Gathering, with the presence of 200 registered motorcyclists.
1987 – Organization of the 1st Motorcycle Exhibition at Feira de Santa Iria, in Faro.
1990 – Founding members nº 10 of the National Motorcycling Federation.
1991 – 10th Motorcycle Concentration, which becomes the "International Motorcycle Concentration",
being included in the International Calendar of Concentrations of the Federation
International Motorcycling (FIM).
1993 – Organization of the first competition in the Algarve of the National
Speed, in Vilamoura.
1994 – Organization of the National Speed Championship, in Vilamoura.
- Meeting with all Algarve Moto Clubs (13) to discuss problems related to the
- Organization of Motorcycle Exhibition at Jardim Manuel Bívar, in Faro.
1995 –Organization of the National Speed Championship, in Olhão.
- Organization of Motorcycle Exhibition at Jardim Manuel Bívar, in Faro.
- Hosts a meeting of the European Motorcycling Federation (FEMA), at the Club's headquarters.
1996 - 15th International Motorcycle Rally, with the presence of 18,000 motorcycle riders.
- Organization of Speed Trophy events, in the Industrial Zone in look.
- Organization of Motorcycle Exhibition at Jardim Manuel Bívar, in Faro.
1997 – Membership in the European Motorcycle Federation (FEMA).
– Organization of Speed Trophy events, at Largo de S. Francisco, in Faro.
1998 - Organization of Speed Trophy events, at Largo de S. Francisco, in Faro.
1999 - Organization of Speed Trophy events, at Largo de S. Francisco, in Faro.
2000 - Organization of 3 events of the National Speed Championship in race track of
Estoril, with the collaboration of Moto Clube do Montijo and Motor Clube do Estoril.
2001 - 20th International Motorcycle Gathering, with the presence of 30,000 motorcyclists.
2002 – Reception of the arrival of the 4th Portugal Lés a Lés to Faro
2003 – Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at Expo Salão, in Batalha.
2004 - Presence with its own stand at the Radical Custom Show, organized by motorcycle Club
Pecquencourt and Nicolas Chauvin.
- Presence with its own stand at the Bilbao Motor Show, at the Bilbao Exhibition Center.
- Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at Expo Salão, in Batalha.
2005 - 24th International Motorcycle Gathering, with the presence of 25,000 motorcyclists
- Reception of the arrival of the 7th Portugal Lés a Lés to Faro
- Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, ExpoSalão, Batalha and
MOTOEXPO, Lisbon International Fair (FIL).
2006 - Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at Expo Salão, at battle and in
MOTOEXPO, Lisbon International Fair (FIL).
- Presence at FERANTUR in Seville at the invitation of the Municipality of Faro
- Organization of the 25th International Motorcycle Rally
2007 - Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at ExpoSalão in Batalha and at
MOTOEXPO, Lisbon International Fair (FIL).
- Organization of the 26th International Motorcycle Rally
- Presence at the Mundo Dakar exhibition (Lisbon Docks)
- Reception of the arrival of the 9th Portugal Lés a Lés to Faro
2008 - Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at ExpoSalão in Batalha and at
MOTOEXPO, Lisbon International Fair (FIL).
- Organization of the 27th International Motorcycle Rally
- Start of construction of the new headquarters of the Moto Clube de Faro
2009 - Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at ExpoSalão in Batalha
- Motorcycle Day celebrations in Faro
- Organization of the 28th International Motorcycle Rally
- 1st Multi-brand Test Drive with Algarve dealers
- Organization of the assembly of the Portuguese Motorcycling Federation
- Motorcycle Day celebrations in Faro
- Organization of the 28th International Motorcycle Rally
- 1st Multi-brand Test Drive with Algarve dealers
- Food collection campaign Banco Alimentar (vehicles and personnel)
- Christmas parade with gifts to associations
2010 - Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at ExpoSalão in Batalha
- Let's get to work, let's clean up Portugal (vehicles and staff)
- Exhibition about the Moto Clube de Faro at the Lisbon Casino Art Gallery
- Departure from Portugal from Lés to Lés connecting the Historic Centers of Faro and Porto
- Organization of the 29th International Motorcycle Rally
- Food collection campaign Banco Alimentar (vehicles and personnel)
- Christmas parade with gifts to associations
2011 - Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at ExpoSalão in Batalha
- Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO SEVILLA
- Exhibition at the Municipal Museum of Faro on the 30th anniversary of the Concentration
- Organization of the 30th International Motorcycle Rally
- Raising food for animals for the PRAVI association
- Food collection campaign Banco Alimentar (vehicles and personnel)
- Christmas parade with gifts to associations
2012 - Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO, at ExpoSalão in Batalha
- Presence with its own stand at EXPOMOTO Madrid
- Inauguration of Moto Club Faro Headquarters
- Organization of the 31st International Motorcycle Rally
- Food collection campaign Banco Alimentar (vehicles and personnel)
- Concert at the headquarters to raise funds for the MAF association
- Concert at the headquarters presentation of Kálu's new solo work (Xutos drummer)
- Christmas parade with gifts to associations
2013 - Celebration of the 34th anniversary of Xutos e Pontapes
- Steve Harris- British Lion Concert World Premiere of Bassist Solo Tour
by Iron Maiden (revenue reverted to the Faro Red Cross)
- Concert by the IRIS Band, revenue to revert to the Mundo Amoroso association
- Presence with its own stand at Lisboa Motoshow-Fil
- Organization of the 32nd International Motorcycle Rally
- Celebration of the 1st Anniversary of the solo project of Kálu
- Christmas parade with gifts to associations
The Club's merit and commitment to the development of activities that promote the region is registered in several merit distinctions, from the most varied quarters of society.
The following stand out:
Clube Dom Pedro distinguishes Moto Clube de Faro as a "Partner of Honor", for its meritorious action in favor of that Club.
Motojornal magazine distinguishes the Concentration of Faro as the "Event of the year 1992"
The National Motorcycling Federation awarded the Moto Clube de Faro with the "Motorcyclist Merit Diploma".
The English magazine Easyriders awarded the Concentration of Faro the title of "Best World Journalistic Event of 1995".
The trophy "Gold Helmet - Public Personality" was awarded by the Portuguese Automobile Trade Association (ACAP).
Moto Clube de Faro was distinguished by the Algarve Tourism Region for its relevant contribution to the dissemination and promotion of tourism in the Algarve.
Moto Clube de Faro was awarded the "Touristic Merit Medal - Silver Degree" by the Secretary of State for Tourism.
"Medal of Merit" by the National Motorcycling Federation
"Medal of Thanks" by the Portuguese Red Cross
"City of Faro Gold Medal" by Faro City Council
Moto Clube de Faro was awarded the "Touristic Merit Medal – Gold Degree"
by the Algarve Tourism Region
"Diploma of Merit" by the Parish Council of Sé
Moto Expo 2007, through its jury, awarded the "Honorable Mention" for the contribution
given to the world of Motorcycling.
"Thank you for merit – Solidarity Institution 2007" Banco Alimentar Contra a
famine of the Algarve
Moto Clube de Faro Wins the "Algarve Maximus – Entertainment and Tourism Promotion"
Moto Clube de Faro was awarded the "Medal of Merit" by the Board of
Parish of Sé
Moto Clube de Faro was awarded the "Pinguin of Honor" by Clube Turismoto
Moto Clube de Faro was awarded the "Medal of Merit" by the Parish Council of Montenegro